I've been pondering lately, and I must admit I've been kind of bugged as I've come to a realization, particularly in regards to how people talk about dating or people of the opposite sex....now hear me out and know that I've been guilty in the past of these very behaviors (well some), but I've vowed to be better, and I hope that others can too. There's this popular phrase that I hear from time-to-time, "all's fair in love and war" and I have to say I don't believe this is true, especially because it basically excuses us from any responsibility for the way we treat people!
For those who are trying to be more Christ-like (which I would say is most of us hopefully) there is never an excuse to treat someone poorly, regardless of if you have romantic feelings towards them or not. I often think people allow dating to be the exception to treating people with respect, kindness, and consideration. Just because you don't like someone romantically, doesn't mean you ignore their existence and make fun of them behind their back to your roommates, there is NO EXCUSE for that. It doesn't mean we avoid them in public, or lie to them, or bash on them after a date, no we treat them like human beings, because that's what they are. I kind of like to think of this concept as Christ-like dating. Now I know that's kind of bizzaro to think of Christ dating (no sacrel intended), but Christ loved the quirky, socially awkward boy that took you on a date and keeps calling and calling and calling, and he deserves to be treated with just as much kindness as the hottie in your ex phys lab ya know? In the words of Elder Holland "we never check our religion at the door" and that includes when we're dating. Now that doesn't mean we lead someone on, or even continue spending time with them. Dating will always require a little rejection, because after all, only one person can win the gold, but the way we handle rejection is so so so important, and needs to be done with kindness and consideration of that person's feelings.
I think this also applies to the whole "hook up" mentality...this is the furthest thing from behaving like a disciple of Christ, frankly it's very selfish! I was sitting in the crossroads yesterday and I overheard this conversation (yeah yeah yeah i'm a snoop) where the guy found out that his "hook up buddy"(his words not mine) was now "hooking up" with someone else and his words were, "man that sucks, guess i'll have to find someone new.'' of course I had half a mind to put him in his place because that's just gross and grounds for a walking herpes infestation (dramatic much? I know God loves people with herpes too.) But seriously...Mr.i-think-i-am-god's-gift-to-women, this is a selfish behavior that is sad because it diminishes someone's worth in your eyes, as they become nothing more than a means to an end for your gratification.
Sometimes I think this is just one topic that we as young Latter-Day-Saints miss the boat on...We have been commanded to love our neighbor as ourselves.....so the moral of the story is love your stalkers ;)
peace and blessings.
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