Sunday, March 2, 2014

take that, doubt!

Dear Self (and anyone else who needs to hear it),

You are not just a physical presence of beauty, you are the combination of everything you've done, said, become and felt and THAT is what's good and beautiful.
Don't allow yourself to be objectified; those who truly matter will see past your smile and eyes to the core, to your heart, to your passions, dreams, fears and loves.
Have faith that you have substance because you do. Work to develop that substance everyday so that it's raw and rare and beautiful to the people with eyes to see. Don't try to to develop yourself into someone else you'll be selling yourself and God short. Your humor, your thoughts, your quirks may not be for everyone, but that doesn't make them wrong.
Accept your weaknesses not because you tolerate them, but because those who matter will as you work through life to fix them.
You matter for more reasons than people will lead you to believe, deeper reasons.
And to those who value you for less than you are, be patient with them-they're learning too, but you don't need to be stepped on while someone learns to walk.

strong you

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