Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Okay, I seriously can't believe it but I leave on my Mission in 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel like I haven't blogged a stitch about my mission, probably because the truth is...I haven't.
In fact, I haven't blogged in over a month...WHAT IS MY DEAL?!

I went to the temple 2 1/2 weeks ago, and that was just amazing, but the truth is ever since then I have had a really negative attitude, I've been really apathetic about leaving, and things have just been really hard. I missed that feeling I had of anticipation and thrill to be serving the Lord. Well today I was doing some housekeeping items to get ready to leave, and I realized that I hadn't watched some of the assigned movies that they ask you to watch before entering the Missionary Training Center, the movies are call the District 2. They are about a group of missionaries in the beautiful misssion of SAN DIEGO, MY MISSION! It was so refreshing and really a tender mercy to be able to watch missionaries in the exact mission that I'm going to be serving in, finding so much joy through bringing people to Christ. I really can not wait to get out there and serve my little heart out. I know that the Lord blesses us when we do His will.

I hope to have somebody update my blog with pictures and letters every-so-often while I'm gone, I'll also be posting my addresses on here so that everyone can WRITE ME:)!

alright, love ya blogger land:)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh!! I can't believe your leaving so soon!! I want your address pronto!!! Well once you have it, cause I want to write you! Your going to be awesome Britt! LOVE YOU!!
