Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Truth Be Told

GOOD DAY MATE! here's the honest truth:
1. I eat everyone's ice cream, if it's in my fridge, chances are i've taken 1, 2, 0r 7 bites out of it...
2. My dream job, is a secretary, i love typing in and scheduling appointments, i feel so professional
3. R&B is my guilty pleasure
4. I don't really wear glasses, but I wish that I did, mostly for when I don't have makeup on
5. I still write in my journal like it's a diary
6. Cinnamon toast crunch tops any other possible meal
7. I drool...I do it a lot, often, for no reason...awwwkward
8. I HATE fingernail polish.
9. I stalk everyone on facebook
10. I own 7 pairs of boots
11. I rather be serious than goofy most of the time
12. I HATE HATE HATE being barefoot...I even sleep in socks
13. I get REALLY into politics
14. I'm not a huge fan of kids, but I still want to have my own:)
15. I loathe nothing more than having to use a public bathroom, nothing is more disgusting to me than hearing other people do their "business"
16. I put on at least a little bit of makeup to go to they gym (unless it's the gym with no boys) and I hate people who criticize girls for that, the gym is a great place to meet guys!
17. I love the sound of my heels claniking on the floor:)
18. I usually change my outfit about 3 times on Sundays
19. Sometimes I flirt just because it's fun, not because I'm interested
20. I am a bandwagon sports team watcher, and proud of it!


  1. Ok Seriously--I'm the SAME way about socks. Never with out socks, shoes or slippers on my feet :) and can NOT go to bed without socks!

  2. i only laugh at the girls who keep their hair down at the and i totally agree about cinnamon toast crunch.
